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Wikievents announce a commercial partnership for "Italia Avventura" Travel Show project

Italia Avventura

Wikievents, Esse Turismo Calabria APS and Obiettivo Turismo Italia announce a commercial partnership for the television format "Italia Avventura" in Umbria and Puglia.

The agreement, enthusiastically signed by both parties, involves a close collaboration for the production of the television format "Italia Avventura" in the regions of Umbria and Puglia. Italia Avventura is a dynamic and original travel show that combines a love for one's land with a taste for adventure. The protagonists of the format are young women, meticulously dressed, who will travel to the most spectacular and noteworthy regions of the country to personally experience and share with the viewers a magical and fascinating adventure amidst extraordinary landscapes and vibrant colors.

Beautiful images will illustrate the pages of the Italia Avventura story, dedicated to a unique land in the world, rich in history, traditions, culture, sun, sea, mountains, and countless culinary excellences. These women will immortalize with open hearts and ready eyes the panoramas and details of every single dreamlike vision.

Born in 2019, the program's focus is to narrate the most suggestive places in Italy, creating a "on-the-road" narrative structure where mystery, legend, and adventure drive the storytelling of the format.

The expeditions will materialize in a Television Format broadcasted on the main channels of the regions of Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata, Puglia, Lazio, Molise, Abruzzo, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, and Lombardy, as well as on National and International channels such as La C TV, SKY, Tivùsat, and overseas on OMNI TV Italo-Canadian (Chin TV group) in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Australia, and the United States, on various YouTube channels and major social networks, as well as on the LED walls of some Italian airports, aiming to promote the identity of the territory and renowned production companies.

If you are a company in the Umbrian or Apulian territory or a hospitality structure that wants to promote its products or services in Italy and abroad, you can contact us directly at the email address

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